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JPS Gateway

JPSGateway is the parent class which should be instantiated by every resource gateway class.

The resource gateway class is automatically created upon the resource installation, whose class name is the same as the name of the resource given during the installation.

Therefore, one should ideally only work with the resource classes, e.g. JpsBaseLib, rather than with the parent JPSGateway class.

The documentation here is provided for developers' information.


Bases: type

A Singleton metaclass that ensures only one instance of the class is created.


JPSGateway(resName: str = None, jarPath: str = None, **JGkwargs)

Wrapper class of the py4j JavaGateway class for managing Python-Java communication.

The class can be used in the following way:

from twa import JPSGateway

yourGateway = JPSGateway(resName=yourResName, jarPath=yourResJarPath, **JGkwargs)

Note that if you wish to access an already installed resource through the JPSGateway (not recommended), then the jarPath argument can be omitted as it can be looked up by the resource name in the resource registry. Also, note that some of the py4j.java_gateway.JavaGateway constructor arguments are not allowed or should be passed to the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway method instead. If that is the case, the code will print a warning message which shows how to set the desired argument correctly. Please also note that according to the py4j documentation, the gateway_parameters argument to the py4j.java_gateway.JavaGateway constructor must have the type of the py4j GatewayParameters object. However, to make it easy for the twa users, this argument can be passed as a dictionary which then is automatically converted into the py4j GatewayParameters object.


Name Type Description
resName str

name of the Java resource

jarPath str

absolute path to the main jar file of the java resource

gateway JavaGateway

the gateway object handling Python-Java communication

_isStarted bool

flag indicating if the gateway was launched

_gatewayUserParams dict

dictionary storing user provided JavaGateway parameters

_launchGatewayUserParams dict

dictionary storing user provided launch_gateway parameters

_initialised bool

flag inticating if the instance is already initialised


Name Type Description Default
resName str

name of the Java resource

jarPath str

absolute path to the main jar file of the java resource

JGkwargs dict

dictionary storing user provided JavaGateway parameters argument: value pairs one wishes to pass to the py4j JavaGateway constructor


Note that the JGkwargs related to the 'gateway_parameters' argument should be passed as a dictionary which is then automatically converted into the 'GatewayParameters' object. Please refer to the py4j documentation for the description of all the possible arguments.

As an example, the following arguments:

JGkwargs = {'gateway_parameters':{'auto_convert':True}}

will be automatically converted to:

JGkwargs = {'gateway_parameters': GatewayParameters(auto_convert=True)}}

Note that the 'java_process' and 'auth_token' arguments will be skipped if present and they are automatically set by the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway method

Note that the 'port' argument will skipped if present as it can only be passed to the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway call

Note that setting the JavaGateway 'eager_load' and the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway 'enable_auth' arguments to True at the same time does NOT work. The arguments are mutually exclusive

Note that the most important and useful settings are set by default in this constructor so a user hardly ever need to pass any arguments in that call. If required, however, the defaults of this constructor can be overwritten by simply passing their new values. Please also note that this constructor only instantiates the JPSGateway object, and it DOES NOT instantiate the py4j.java_gateway.JavaGateway, whose instantiation only happens in the twa.JPSGateway.launchGateway method explained in more details below.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/
def __init__(self, resName:str=None, jarPath:str=None, **JGkwargs):
    JPSGateway constructor class

        resName (str): name of the Java resource
        jarPath (str): absolute path to the main jar file of the java resource
        JGkwargs (dict): dictionary storing user provided JavaGateway parameters
            `argument: value` pairs one wishes to pass to the
            [py4j JavaGateway]( constructor

    > Note that the JGkwargs related to the 'gateway_parameters'
    argument should be passed as a dictionary which is then
    automatically converted into the 'GatewayParameters' object.
    Please refer to the
    [py4j documentation](
    for the description of all the possible arguments.

    > As an example, the following arguments:

    > ```python
    > JGkwargs = {'gateway_parameters':{'auto_convert':True}}
    > ```

    > will be automatically converted to:

    > ```python
    > JGkwargs = {'gateway_parameters': GatewayParameters(auto_convert=True)}}
    > ```

    > Note that the 'java_process' and 'auth_token' arguments
    will be skipped if present and they are automatically
    set by the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway method

    > Note that the 'port' argument will skipped if present
    as it can only be passed to the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway call

    > Note that setting the JavaGateway 'eager_load' and the
    py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway 'enable_auth' arguments to
    True at the same time does NOT work. The arguments are mutually

    > Note that the most important and useful settings are set by default
    in this constructor so a user hardly ever need to pass any arguments
    in that call. If required, however, the defaults of this constructor
    can be overwritten by simply passing their new values. Please also
    note that this constructor only instantiates the `JPSGateway` object,
    and it DOES NOT instantiate the `py4j.java_gateway.JavaGateway`, whose
    instantiation only happens in the `twa.JPSGateway.launchGateway` method
    explained in more details below.
    if not hasattr(self, '_initialised'):
        # ensures __init__ runs only once
        self._initialised = True
        self.resName = resName
        self.jarPath = jarPath
        if self.jarPath is None:
            self.jarPath = resReg.getResMainFilePath(resName)

            if not path.isfile(self.jarPath):
                print('Error: Resource jarpath is invalid.')
                raise FileNotFoundError
        except TypeError:
            print('Error: Resource jarpath is invalid.')
            raise FileNotFoundError
        self.gateway = None
        self._gatewayUserParams = _processJGkwargs(**JGkwargs)
        self._launchGatewayUserParams = None
        self._isStarted = False
        print(f'Info: Initializing JPSGateway with resName={resName}, jarPath={jarPath}')
        print(f'Info: Gateway already initialised. Any JavaGateway created ({self.gateway}) will be reused.')



Wrapper method for the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway method which launches the Gateway in a new Java process and creates a default JavaGateway to connect to it.


Name Type Description Default
LGkwargs dict

a dictionary containing the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway method arguments


Note that the 'jarpath' and 'return_proc' arguments cannot be changed and will be skipped if provided

Note that this calls an internal py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway function which is different from the launch_gateway function described in py4j web documentation. The py4j function described in py4j web documentation is a JavaGateway classmethod which in turn calls the function below. It is a bit confusing as the two functions have the same name. The difference between the two is that the launch_gateway classmethod launches the java process and then creates a JavaGateway object connected to it, the problem is that this function call does not accept any user JavaGateway constructor arguments. The non classmethod call on the other hand only launches the java process without creating the JavaGateway instance. The JavaGateway instance can be then created at a later stage with user defined parameters plus the parameters returned from the launch_gateway method call that connect the running java process and the JavaGateway. Therefore, the non classmethod py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway is called herein and its outputs are passed to the JavaGateway constructor.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/
def launchGateway(self, **LGkwargs):
    Wrapper method for the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway
    method which launches the Gateway in a new Java process
    and creates a default JavaGateway to connect to it.

        LGkwargs (dict): a dictionary containing the py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway method arguments

    > Note that the 'jarpath' and 'return_proc' arguments cannot
    be changed and will be skipped if provided

    > Note that **this calls an internal py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway function which is
    different from the launch_gateway function described in py4j web documentation.**
    The py4j function described in py4j web documentation is a JavaGateway classmethod
    which in turn calls the function below. It is a bit confusing as the two functions have
    the same name. The difference between the two is that the launch_gateway classmethod
    launches the java process and then creates a JavaGateway object connected to it, the
    problem is that this function call does not accept any user JavaGateway constructor
    arguments. The non classmethod call on the other hand only launches the java process
    without creating the JavaGateway instance. The JavaGateway instance can be then created
    at a later stage with user defined parameters plus the parameters returned from the
    launch_gateway method call that connect the running java process and the JavaGateway.
    Therefore, the non classmethod py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway is called herein and its
    outputs are passed to the JavaGateway constructor.


    with self._launch_lock:
        if not self._isStarted:
            LGkwargs = _processLGkwargs(self.__class__.__name__, **LGkwargs)
            self._launchGatewayUserParams = LGkwargs

            # this launches the java process
                _ret = launch_gateway(jarpath=self.jarPath, **LGkwargs)
            except TypeError as e:
                    Error: The launch_gateway method called with invalid argument(s).
                        Please see the py4j documentation at:
                        to see the list of supported arguments."""))
                raise e
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                    Error: Could not launch the resource gateway. Make sure that:
                            1 - the resource jarPath is correct
                            2 - java runtime environment 7+ is installed
                            3 - java runtime environment 7+ is correctly added to the system path"""))
                raise e

            if LGkwargs['enable_auth']:
                _port, _auth_token, proc = _ret
                _port, proc, _auth_token = _ret + (None, )

            self._gatewayUserParams = _addConJGParams(_port, proc, _auth_token, self._gatewayUserParams)
            # this creates the JavaGateway object connected to the launched java process above
                self.gateway = JavaGateway(**self._gatewayUserParams)
            except TypeError as e:
                    Error: The JavaGateway constructor method called with invalid argument(s).
                        Please see the py4j documentation at:
                        to see the list of supported arguments."""))

            self._isStarted = True
            print("Info: JavaGateway already started.")



Wrapper method for the py4j shutdown method to stop the JavaGateway client.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/
def shutdown(self):
    Wrapper method for the py4j shutdown method
    to stop the JavaGateway client.
    if self._isStarted:



Wrapper method for the py4j new_jvm_view method. Creates a new JVM view with its own imports.


Name Type Description
new_jvm_view JVM

A new JVM view object

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/
def createModuleView(self):
    Wrapper method for the py4j new_jvm_view method.
    Creates a new JVM view with its own imports.

        new_jvm_view (JavaGateway.JVM): A new JVM view object
    if self._isStarted:
        return self.gateway.new_jvm_view()
        print("Error: Cannot create the module view. The JavaGateway is not started. Call the gateway start() method first.")


importPackages(moduleView, importStatement)

Wrapper method for the py4j java_import method. Imports a class / package into the specified JVM view


Name Type Description Default
moduleView JVM

A new JVM view object

importStatement str

The class / package name to import

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/
def importPackages(self, moduleView, importStatement):
    Wrapper method for the py4j java_import method.
    Imports a class / package into the specified JVM view

        moduleView (JavaGateway.JVM): A new JVM view object
        importStatement (str): The class / package name to import
    if self._isStarted:
        java_import(moduleView, importStatement)
        print("Error: Cannot import packages. The JavaGateway is not started. Call the gateway start() method first.")