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The purpose of this module is to create and start Java resource gateway objects to be used in other modules and scripts.

Instantiation of gateway object

To begin with, the resource gateway object for JpsBaseLib, which allows access to JPS_BASE_LIB, needs to be instantiated:

# To avoid unnecessary logging information from py4j package, set logger level before
# first creation of JPS_BASE_LIB module view (i.e. jpsBaseLibView = jpsBaseLibGW.createModuleView())
import logging

from twa.resources import JpsBaseLib
jpsBaseLibGW = JpsBaseLib()

Start the gateway object

Below method starts the communication with the Java side:


# Alternatively, one can supply args to the launchGateway() method:
# jpsBaseLibGW.launchGateway(**LGkwargs)

where the **LGkwargs argument represents a dictionary of any optional argument: value pairs one wishes to pass to the py4j launch_gateway method. Please refer to the method documentation for the description of all the possible arguments. The most important and useful settings are set by default in the twa.JPSGateway.launchGateway method so a user hardly ever need to pass any arguments in that call. If required, however, the twa.JPSGateway.launchGateway method defaults can be overwritten by simply passing their new values.

NOTE that compared to the twa.JPSGateway class, the JpsBaseLib constructor call neither accepts the resource name nor the resource jar path as arguments. This ensures that the resource is properly encapsulated.