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Derivation Agent


Bases: object

This class provides the configuration for flask app object. Each config should be provided as constant. For more information, visit


Name Type Description

Enables the Flask Scheduler API (default is True)


DerivationAgent(time_interval: int, kg_url: str, kg_update_url: str = None, kg_user: str = None, kg_password: str = None, fs_url: str = None, fs_user: str = None, fs_password: str = None, derivation_instance_base_url: str = TWA_BASE_URL, flask_config: FlaskConfig = FlaskConfig(), agent_endpoint_base_url: str = 'http://localhost:5000/', register_agent: bool = True, max_thread_monitor_async_derivations: int = 1, email_recipient: str = '', email_subject_prefix: str = '', email_username: str = '', email_auth_json_path: str = '', email_start_end_async_derivations: bool = False, logger_for_dev: bool = True)

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for a derivation agent.

This class provides the foundational methods and configurations required for a derivation agent. It uses a Flask application and APScheduler to manage asynchronous derivations and periodic jobs.


Name Type Description
app Flask

The Flask application instance.

scheduler APScheduler

The APScheduler instance for managing periodic jobs.

time_interval int

The time interval between two runs of the derivation monitoring job (in seconds).

max_thread_monitor_async_derivations int

Maximum number of threads to be used for monitoring async derivations.

syncDerivationEndpoint str

HTTP endpoint for handling synchronous derivations.

kgUrl str

SPARQL query endpoint.

kgUpdateUrl str

SPARQL update endpoint.

kgUser str

Username for the SPARQL endpoints.

kgPassword str

Password for the SPARQL endpoints.

fs_url str

File server endpoint.

fs_user str

Username for the file server.

fs_password str

Password for the file server.

derivation_client PyDerivationClient

Client for managing derivations.

sparql_client PySparqlClient

SPARQL client instance.

logger Logger

Logger for the agent.

yag SMTP

Email client for sending notifications.

email_recipient List[str]

List of email recipients.

email_subject_prefix str

Prefix for email subjects.

email_start_end_async_derivations bool

Flag to send email notifications at the start and end of async derivations.

register_agent bool

Flag to register the agent to the knowledge graph.


Name Type Description Default
time_interval int

time interval between two runs of derivation monitoring job (in SECONDS)

kg_url str

SPARQL query endpoint, an example: "http://localhost:8080/blazegraph/namespace/triplestore/sparql"

kg_update_url str

SPARQL update endpoint, will be set to the same value as kg_url if not provided, an example: "http://localhost:8080/blazegraph/namespace/triplestore/sparql"

kg_user str

username used to access the SPARQL query/update endpoint specified by kg_url/kg_update_url

kg_password str

password that set for the kg_user used to access the SPARQL query/update endpoint specified by kg_url/kg_update_url

fs_url str

file server endpoint, an example: "http://localhost:8080/FileServer/"

fs_user str

username used to access the file server endpoint specified by fs_url

fs_password str

password that set for the fs_user used to access the file server endpoint specified by fs_url

derivation_instance_base_url str

namespace to be used when creating derivation instance, an example: ""

flask_config FlaskConfig

configuration object for flask app, should be an instance of the class FlaskConfig provided as part of this package

agent_endpoint_base_url str

data property OntoAgent:hasHttpUrl of OntoAgent:Operation of the derivation agent, an example: "http://localhost:5000/endpoint"

register_agent bool

boolean value, whether to register the agent to the knowledge graph

max_thread_monitor_async_derivations int

maximum number of threads that to be used for monitoring async derivations

email_recipient str

recipients of email notification seperated by semicolon, e.g. ";"

email_subject_prefix str

subject prefix of the email title to put in a square bracket, e.g. the email subject will start with "[My Prefix]" when provided "My Prefix"

email_username str

the username to be used as the sender of the email

email_auth_json_path str

file path to the auth json for the email_username

email_start_end_async_derivations bool

a boolean flag indicating whether to send email notification at the start and end of processing async derivations

logger_for_dev bool

logger for agents in development or production

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def __init__(
    time_interval: int,
    kg_url: str,
    kg_update_url: str = None,
    kg_user: str = None,
    kg_password: str = None,
    fs_url: str = None,
    fs_user: str = None,
    fs_password: str = None,
    derivation_instance_base_url: str = TWA_BASE_URL,
    flask_config: FlaskConfig = FlaskConfig(),
    agent_endpoint_base_url: str = "http://localhost:5000/",
    register_agent: bool = True,
    max_thread_monitor_async_derivations: int = 1,
    email_recipient: str = '',
    email_subject_prefix: str = '',
    email_username: str = '',
    email_auth_json_path: str = '',
    email_start_end_async_derivations: bool = False,
    logger_for_dev: bool = True,
    Initialises the instance of DerivationAgent.

        time_interval (int): time interval between two runs of derivation monitoring job (in SECONDS)
        kg_url (str): SPARQL query endpoint, an example: "http://localhost:8080/blazegraph/namespace/triplestore/sparql"
        kg_update_url (str): SPARQL update endpoint, will be set to the same value as kg_url if not provided, an example: "http://localhost:8080/blazegraph/namespace/triplestore/sparql"
        kg_user (str): username used to access the SPARQL query/update endpoint specified by kg_url/kg_update_url
        kg_password (str): password that set for the kg_user used to access the SPARQL query/update endpoint specified by kg_url/kg_update_url
        fs_url (str): file server endpoint, an example: "http://localhost:8080/FileServer/"
        fs_user (str): username used to access the file server endpoint specified by fs_url
        fs_password (str): password that set for the fs_user used to access the file server endpoint specified by fs_url
        derivation_instance_base_url (str): namespace to be used when creating derivation instance, an example: ""
        flask_config (FlaskConfig): configuration object for flask app, should be an instance of the class FlaskConfig provided as part of this package
        agent_endpoint_base_url (str): data property OntoAgent:hasHttpUrl of OntoAgent:Operation of the derivation agent, an example: "http://localhost:5000/endpoint"
        register_agent (bool): boolean value, whether to register the agent to the knowledge graph
        max_thread_monitor_async_derivations (int): maximum number of threads that to be used for monitoring async derivations
        email_recipient (str): recipients of email notification seperated by semicolon, e.g. ";"
        email_subject_prefix (str): subject prefix of the email title to put in a square bracket, e.g. the email subject will start with "[My Prefix]" when provided "My Prefix"
        email_username (str): the username to be used as the sender of the email
        email_auth_json_path (str): file path to the auth json for the `email_username`
        email_start_end_async_derivations (bool): a boolean flag indicating whether to send email notification at the start and end of processing async derivations
        logger_for_dev (bool): logger for agents in development or production

    # create a JVM module view and use it to import the required java classes
    self.jpsBaseLib_view = jpsBaseLibGW.createModuleView()
    jpsBaseLibGW.importPackages(self.jpsBaseLib_view, "*")
    jpsBaseLibGW.importPackages(self.jpsBaseLib_view, "*")
    jpsBaseLibGW.importPackages(self.jpsBaseLib_view, "*")

    # initialise flask app with its configuration = Flask(self.__class__.__name__)

    # initialise flask scheduler and assign time interval for monitor_async_derivations job
    self.scheduler = APScheduler(
    self.time_interval = time_interval
    self.max_thread_monitor_async_derivations = max_thread_monitor_async_derivations

    # assign IRI and HTTP URL of the agent
    # self.agentIRI
    self.syncDerivationEndpoint = agent_endpoint_base_url + 'derivation' if agent_endpoint_base_url.endswith('/') else agent_endpoint_base_url + '/derivation'

    # assign KG related information
    self.kgUrl = kg_url
    self.kgUpdateUrl = kg_update_url if kg_update_url is not None else kg_url
    # NOTE that we check first if below are empty string first
    # as the config_derivation_agent will read as '' if the value is not provided in env file
    self.kgUser = kg_user if kg_user != '' else None
    self.kgPassword = kg_password if kg_password != '' else None

    # assign file server related information
    # NOTE that we check first if below are empty string first
    # as the config_derivation_agent will read as '' if the value is not provided in env file
    self.fs_url = fs_url if fs_url != '' else None
    self.fs_user = fs_user if fs_user != '' else None
    self.fs_password = fs_password if fs_password != '' else None

    # initialise the derivation_client with SPARQL Query and Update endpoint
    self.derivation_client = PyDerivationClient(

    # initialise the SPARQL client as None, this will be replaced when get_sparql_client() is first called
    self.sparql_client = None

    # initialise the logger
    self.logger = agentlogging.get_logger('dev' if logger_for_dev else 'prod')

    # initialise the email object and email_start_end_async_derivations flag
    if all([bool(param) for param in [email_recipient, email_username, email_auth_json_path]]):
        self.yag = yagmail.SMTP(email_username, oauth2_file=email_auth_json_path)
        self.email_recipient = email_recipient.split(';')
        self.email_subject_prefix = email_subject_prefix if bool(email_subject_prefix) else str(self.__class__.__name__)
        self.yag = None
    self.email_start_end_async_derivations = email_start_end_async_derivations

    # register the agent to the KG if required
    self.register_agent = register_agent
    except Exception as e:
            "Failed to register the agent <{}> to the KG <{}>. Error: {}".format(self.__class__.agentIRI, self.kgUrl, e),
            stack_info=True, exc_info=True)
        raise e
        "DerivationAgent <%s> is initialised to monitor derivations in triple store <%s> with a time interval of %d seconds." % (
            self.__class__.agentIRI, self.kgUrl, self.time_interval)

agent_input_concepts abstractmethod classmethod property

agent_input_concepts: List[Union[str, BaseClass]]

This method returns a list of input concepts of the agent. This should be overridden by the derived class.

agent_output_concepts abstractmethod classmethod property

agent_output_concepts: List[Union[str, BaseClass]]

This method returns a list of output concepts of the agent. This should be overridden by the derived class.



This method is used to start a periodic job. This should be used as a decorator (@Derivation.periodical_job) for the method that needs to be executed periodically.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def periodical_job(func):
    """This method is used to start a periodic job. This should be used as a decorator (@Derivation.periodical_job) for the method that needs to be executed periodically."""
    def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
        func(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if not self.scheduler.running:
  "Scheduler is started.")
    inner.__is_periodical_job__ = True
    return inner



Decorator to send an email when an exception occurs in the decorated method.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def send_email_when_exception(func_return_value=False):
    """Decorator to send an email when an exception occurs in the decorated method."""
    def decorator(func):
        def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
                if not func_return_value:
                    func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            except Exception as e:
                if self.yag is not None:
                        f"[{self.email_subject_prefix}] exception: {str(func.__name__)}",
                            # the "<" and ">" may exist in exception message if any IRI is presented, e.g. <http://iri>
                            # here we replace them to HTML entities, so that the IRIs can be displayed correctly
                            # for more information about HTML entities, visit
                            str(e).replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;"),
                # Log error regardless
        return inner
    return decorator


send_email(subject: str, contents: list)

Sends an email notification with the given subject and contents.


Name Type Description Default
subject str

The subject of the email

contents list

The contents of the email

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def send_email(self, subject: str, contents: list):
    Sends an email notification with the given subject and contents.

        subject (str): The subject of the email
        contents (list): The contents of the email
    timeout = 2
    process_email = Process(target=self.yag.send, args=(self.email_recipient, subject, contents))
    if process_email.is_alive():
    if process_email.exitcode != 0:
        self.logger.error(f"Timed out sending email notification after {timeout} seconds.\n Recipient: {self.email_recipient}\n Subject: {subject}\n Contents: {contents}")


send_email_when_async_derivation_up_to_date(derivation_iri: str)

Sends an email notification when an asynchronous derivation is up-to-date.


Name Type Description Default
derivation_iri str

The IRI of the derivation that was processed

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def send_email_when_async_derivation_up_to_date(self, derivation_iri: str):
    Sends an email notification when an asynchronous derivation is up-to-date.

        derivation_iri (str): The IRI of the derivation that was processed
    if self.yag is not None and self.email_start_end_async_derivations:
            f"[{self.email_subject_prefix}] async derivation up-to-date",
            [format_current_time(), f"{derivation_iri}"]



Sends an email notification when an asynchronous derivation starts.


Name Type Description Default
derivation_iri str

The IRI of the derivation that was processed

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def send_email_when_async_derivation_started(self, derivation_iri):
    Sends an email notification when an asynchronous derivation starts.

        derivation_iri (str): The IRI of the derivation that was processed
    if self.yag is not None and self.email_start_end_async_derivations:
            f"[{self.email_subject_prefix}] async derivation now-in-progress",
            [format_current_time(), f"{derivation_iri}"]


get_sparql_client(sparql_client_cls: Type[PY_SPARQL_CLIENT]) -> PY_SPARQL_CLIENT

Returns a SPARQL client object that instantiated from sparql_client_cls, which should extend PySparqlClient class.


Name Type Description Default
sparql_client_cls Type[PY_SPARQL_CLIENT]

The SPARQL client class



Name Type Description

An instance of the SPARQL client

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def get_sparql_client(self, sparql_client_cls: Type[PY_SPARQL_CLIENT]) -> PY_SPARQL_CLIENT:
    Returns a SPARQL client object that instantiated from sparql_client_cls, which should extend PySparqlClient class.

        sparql_client_cls (Type[PY_SPARQL_CLIENT]): The SPARQL client class

        PY_SPARQL_CLIENT: An instance of the SPARQL client
    if self.sparql_client is None or not isinstance(self.sparql_client, sparql_client_cls):
        self.sparql_client = sparql_client_cls(
            query_endpoint=self.kgUrl, update_endpoint=self.kgUpdateUrl,
            kg_user=self.kgUser, kg_password=self.kgPassword,
            fs_url=self.fs_url, fs_user=self.fs_user, fs_pwd=self.fs_password
    return self.sparql_client



This method registers the agent to the knowledge graph by uploading its OntoAgent triples generated on-the-fly.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def register_agent_in_kg(self):
    """This method registers the agent to the knowledge graph by uploading its OntoAgent triples generated on-the-fly."""
    if self.register_agent:
        input_concepts = self.agent_input_concepts
        output_concepts = self.agent_output_concepts
        if not isinstance(input_concepts, list) or not isinstance(output_concepts, list):
            raise Exception("Failed to proceed with registering the agent <{}> to the KG <{}>. Error: Input and output concepts must be lists. Received: {} (type: {}) and {} (type: {})".format(
                self.__class__.agentIRI, self.kgUrl, input_concepts, type(input_concepts), output_concepts, type(output_concepts)))
        if len(input_concepts) == 0 or len(output_concepts) == 0:
            raise Exception("Failed to proceed with registering the agent <{}> to the KG <{}>. Error: No input or output concepts specified.".format(self.__class__.agentIRI, self.kgUrl))
        input_concepts_iris = [o if isinstance(o, str) else o.rdf_type for o in input_concepts]
        output_concepts_iris = [o if isinstance(o, str) else o.rdf_type for o in output_concepts]
        self.derivation_client.createOntoAgentInstance(self.__class__.agentIRI, self.syncDerivationEndpoint, input_concepts_iris, output_concepts_iris)"Agent <%s> is registered to the KG <%s> with input signature %s and output signature %s." % (
            self.__class__.agentIRI, self.kgUrl, input_concepts, output_concepts))
    else:"Flag register_agent is False. Agent <%s> is NOT registered to the KG <%s>." % (self.__class__.agentIRI, self.kgUrl))


add_url_pattern(url_pattern: str = None, url_pattern_name: str = None, function: RouteCallable = None, methods: str = ['GET'], *args, **kwargs)

This method is a wrapper of add_url_rule method of Flask object that adds customised URL Pattern to derivation agent. For more information, visit WARNING: Use of this by developer is STRONGLY discouraged. The design intention of an derivation agent is to communicate via the KNOWLEDGE GRAPH, and NOT via HTTP requests.


Name Type Description Default
url_pattern str

the endpoint url to associate with the rule and view function

url_pattern_name str

the name of the endpoint

function RouteCallable

the view function to associate with the endpoint

methods str

HTTP request methods, default to ['GET']

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def add_url_pattern(
    url_pattern: str = None,
    url_pattern_name: str = None,
    function: RouteCallable = None,
    methods: str = ['GET'],
    This method is a wrapper of add_url_rule method of Flask object that adds customised URL Pattern to derivation agent.
    For more information, visit
    WARNING: Use of this by developer is STRONGLY discouraged.
    The design intention of an derivation agent is to communicate via the KNOWLEDGE GRAPH, and NOT via HTTP requests.

        url_pattern (str): the endpoint url to associate with the rule and view function
        url_pattern_name (str): the name of the endpoint
        function (flask.typing.RouteCallable): the view function to associate with the endpoint
        methods (str): HTTP request methods, default to ['GET']
    """, url_pattern_name,
                          function, methods=methods, *args, **kwargs)"A URL Pattern <{url_pattern}> is added.")



This method monitors the status of the asynchronous derivation that "isDerivedUsing" DerivationAgent.

When it detects the status is "Requested", the agent will mark the status as "InProgress" and start the job. Once the job is finished, the agent marks the status as "Finished" and attaches the new derived IRI to it via "hasNewDerivedIRI". All new generated triples are also written to the knowledge graph at this point.

When it detects the status is "InProgress", the currently implementation just passes.

When it detects the status is "Finished", the agent deletes the old entities, reconnects the new instances (previously attached to the status via "hasNewDerivedIRI") with the original derivation, cleans up all the status, and finally updates the timestamp of the derivation. All these processing steps at the Finished status are taken care of by method

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def monitor_async_derivations(self):
    This method monitors the status of the asynchronous derivation that "isDerivedUsing" DerivationAgent.

    When it detects the status is "Requested", the agent will mark the status as "InProgress" and start the job.
    Once the job is finished, the agent marks the status as "Finished" and attaches the new derived IRI to it via "hasNewDerivedIRI".
    All new generated triples are also written to the knowledge graph at this point.

    When it detects the status is "InProgress", the currently implementation just passes.

    When it detects the status is "Finished", the agent deletes the old entities,
    reconnects the new instances (previously attached to the status via "hasNewDerivedIRI") with the original derivation,
    cleans up all the status, and finally updates the timestamp of the derivation.
    All these processing steps at the `Finished` status are taken care of by method

    # Below codes follow the logic as defined in in JPS_BASE_LIB
    # for more information, please visit

    # Initialise two conditions for the while loop
    # 1. break_out_time is the timestamp when the next round of monitoring should be started
    break_out_time = time.time() + self.time_interval
    # 2. query_again is the flag to indicate whether the derivation status should be updated in memory
    query_again = False

    # There is no do-while loop in Python, so we use a while loop with a break statement
    # "while True" makes sure the loop is executed at least once
    while True:
        # Retrieves a list of derivations and their status type that "isDerivedUsing" DerivationAgent
        derivationAndStatusType = self.derivation_client.derivation_client.getDerivationsAndStatusType(
        if bool(derivationAndStatusType):
  "A list of asynchronous derivations that <isDerivedUsing> <%s> are retrieved: %s." % (
                self.agentIRI, {d: str(derivationAndStatusType[d]) for d in derivationAndStatusType}))

            # Iterate over the list of derivation, and do different things depend on the derivation status
            for derivation in derivationAndStatusType:
                statusType = str(derivationAndStatusType[derivation])

                    # If "Requested", check the immediate upstream derivations if they are up-to-date
                    # if any of the asynchronous derivations are still outdated, skip, otherwise, request update of all synchronous derivations
                    # then retrieve inputs, marks as "InProgress", start job, update status at job completion
                    if statusType == 'REQUESTED':
                        immediateUpstreamDerivationToUpdate = self.derivation_client.derivation_client.checkImmediateUpstreamDerivation(derivation)
                        if self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationSparql.ONTODERIVATION_DERIVATIONASYN in immediateUpstreamDerivationToUpdate:
                  "Asynchronous derivation <" + derivation
                                            + "> has a list of immediate upstream asynchronous derivations to be updated: "
                                            + str(immediateUpstreamDerivationToUpdate))
                            # set flag to false to skips this "Requested" derivation until next time
                            # this is to avoid the agent flooding the KG with queries of the status over a short period of time
                            query_again = False
                            syncDerivationsToUpdate = self.derivation_client.derivation_client.groupSyncDerivationsToUpdate(immediateUpstreamDerivationToUpdate)
                            if bool(syncDerivationsToUpdate):
                      "Asynchronous derivation <" + derivation
                                                + "> has a list of immediate upstream synchronous derivations to be updated: "
                                                + str(syncDerivationsToUpdate))
                      "Update of synchronous derivation is done for: " + str(syncDerivationsToUpdate))
                            if not bool(self.derivation_client.derivation_client.checkImmediateUpstreamDerivation(derivation)):
                                agentInputs = str(self.derivation_client.derivation_client.retrieveAgentInputIRIs(derivation, self.agentIRI))
                                # Mark the status as "InProgress"
                                # if another agent thread is updating the same derivation concurrently
                                # and successed before this thread, then this method will return false
                                progressToJob = self.derivation_client.derivation_client.updateStatusBeforeSetupJob(derivation)
                                # only progress to job if the status is updated successfully
                                # otherwise, the other thread will handle the job
                                if not progressToJob:
                          "Asynchronous derivation <{derivation}> is already in progress by another agent thread.")
                          "Agent <%s> retrieved inputs of asynchronous derivation <%s>: %s." % (
                                        self.agentIRI, derivation, agentInputs))
                          "Asynchronous derivation <%s> is in progress." % (derivation))
                                    # send email to indicate the derivation is handled in this thread and started, i.e. now-in-progress

                                    # Preprocessing inputs to be sent to agent for setting up job, this is now in dict datatype
                                    agent_input_json = json.loads(agentInputs) if not isinstance(agentInputs, dict) else agentInputs
                                    agent_input_key = str(self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_INPUT_KEY)
                                    if agent_input_key in agent_input_json:
                                        inputs_to_send = agent_input_json[agent_input_key]
                                        self.logger.error("Agent input key (%s) might be missing. Received input: %s." % (
                                            agent_input_key, agent_input_json.__dict__))
                                    # The inputs_to_send should be a key-values pair format,
                                    # for example: {'OntoXX:Concept_A': ['Instance_A'], 'OntoXX:Concept_B': ['Instance_B']}
                                    derivationInputs = self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationInputs(inputs_to_send, derivation)
                                    derivation_inputs = DerivationInputs(derivationInputs)
                                    derivationOutputs = self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationOutputs()
                                    derivation_outputs = DerivationOutputs(derivationOutputs)
                                    self.process_request_parameters(derivation_inputs, derivation_outputs)

                                    newDerivedIRI = derivationOutputs.getNewDerivedIRI()
                                    newTriples = derivationOutputs.getOutputTriples()
                                    self.derivation_client.derivation_client.updateStatusAtJobCompletion(derivation, newDerivedIRI, newTriples)
                          "Asynchronous derivation <%s> generated new derived IRI: <%s>." % (
                                        derivation, ">, <".join(newDerivedIRI)))
                          "Asynchronous derivation <" + derivation +
                                                    "> has all new generated triples: " + str([t.getQueryString() for t in newTriples]))
                          "Asynchronous derivation <" + derivation + "> is now finished, to be cleaned up.")

                            # set flag to true as either (1) the agent has been process this derivation for some time
                            # and status of other derivations in KG might have changed by other processes during this time
                            # or (2) the derivation is processed by another agent therefore needs a record update
                            query_again = True

                    # If "InProgress", pass
                    elif statusType == 'INPROGRESS':
                        # the query_again flag is set as false to let agent carry on to next derivation in the list
                        query_again = False

                    # If "Finished", do all the clean-up steps
                    elif statusType == 'FINISHED':
                        # set flag to true as the cleaning up process can take some time when there are a lot of triples
                        query_again = True
                        # send email to indicate the derivation is now finished and cleaned up, i.e. up-to-date

                    elif statusType == 'ERROR':
                        # for now just passes
                        query_again = False

                    elif statusType == 'NOSTATUS':
                        # no need to query_again as the derivation is considered as up-to-date
                        query_again = False

                    # If anything else, pass
              "Asynchronous derivation <%s> has unhandled status type: %s." % (
                            derivation, statusType))
                        query_again = False

                except Exception as exc:
                    trace_back = traceback.format_exc()
                    jps_exc = PythonException(trace_back)
                    self.derivation_client.derivation_client.markAsError(derivation, jps_exc.exception)
                    query_again = True
                    self.logger.error(f"Error when handling derivation <{derivation}>", stack_info=True, exc_info=True)
                    # Raise exception so that this will be sent via email notification
                    raise exc

                # Break out the for loop and query again the list of derivations and their status
                if query_again:

  "Currently, no asynchronous derivation <isDerivedUsing> <%s>." % (self.agentIRI))

        # Check if the two flags are still met, if not, break out the while loop
        # i.e. process until the time is up and if have not gone through all derivations
        if time.time() > break_out_time or not query_again:

process_request_parameters abstractmethod

process_request_parameters(derivation_inputs: DerivationInputs, derivation_outputs: DerivationOutputs)

This method perform the agent logic of converting derivation inputs to derivation outputs. Developer shall override this when writing new derivation agent based on DerivationAgent class.


Name Type Description Default
derivation_inputs DerivationInputs

instance of derivation inputs, essentially in the format of: { "": [""], "": [""], "": ["", ""], "": [""] }

derivation_outputs DerivationOutputs

instance of derivation outputs, developer should add new created entiteis and triples to this variable

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def process_request_parameters(self, derivation_inputs: DerivationInputs, derivation_outputs: DerivationOutputs):
    This method perform the agent logic of converting derivation inputs to derivation outputs.
    Developer shall override this when writing new derivation agent based on DerivationAgent class.

        derivation_inputs (DerivationInputs): instance of derivation inputs, essentially in the format of:
                "": [""],
                "": [""],
                "": [""]
        derivation_outputs (DerivationOutputs): instance of derivation outputs, developer should add new created entiteis and triples to this variable



This method starts all scheduled periodical jobs.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def start_all_periodical_job(self):
    """This method starts all scheduled periodical jobs."""
    all_periodical_jobs = [getattr(self, name) for name in dir(self) if callable(getattr(self, name)) and not name.startswith('__') and hasattr(getattr(self, name), '__is_periodical_job__')]
    for func in all_periodical_jobs:



This method handles synchronous derivation by using the Flask app object of the DerivationAgent to process the HTTP request, and then pass it to process_request_parameters function provided by the developers.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def handle_sync_derivations(self):
    This method handles synchronous derivation by using the Flask app object of the DerivationAgent to process the HTTP request,
    and then pass it to `process_request_parameters` function provided by the developers.
    """"Received synchronous derivation request: %s." % (request.url))
    requestParams = request.json
    res = {}
    if self.validate_inputs(requestParams):
        # retrieve necessary information
        derivationIRI = requestParams[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.DERIVATION_KEY]
        derivationType = requestParams[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.DERIVATION_TYPE_KEY]
        syncNewInfoFlag = requestParams[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.SYNC_NEW_INFO_FLAG]

        # serialises DerivationInputs objects from JSONObject
        inputs = self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationInputs(requestParams[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_INPUT_KEY], derivationIRI)"Received derivation request parameters: " + str(requestParams))

        # initialise DerivationOutputs, also set up information
        outputs = self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationOutputs()
        if not syncNewInfoFlag:

        # apply agent logic to convert inputs to outputs
        derivation_inputs = DerivationInputs(inputs)
        derivation_outputs = DerivationOutputs(outputs)
        self.process_request_parameters(derivation_inputs, derivation_outputs)

        # return response if this sync derivation is generated for new info
        if syncNewInfoFlag:
            agentServiceIRI = requestParams[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_IRI_KEY]
                outputs.getOutputTriples(), outputs.getNewDerivedIRI(),
                agentServiceIRI, inputs.getAllIris(),
                derivationIRI, derivationType, outputs.getRetrievedInputsAt()
            res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationOutputs.RETRIEVED_INPUTS_TIMESTAMP_KEY] = outputs.getRetrievedInputsAt()
            res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_OUTPUT_KEY] = json.loads(str(outputs.getNewEntitiesJsonMap()))
  "Synchronous derivation for new information generated successfully, returned response: " + str(res))
            return json.dumps(res)

        # only enters below if the computation was not for new information (new instances)
        derivation = self.jpsBaseLib_view.Derivation(derivationIRI, derivationType)
        if not derivation.isDerivationAsyn() and not derivation.isDerivationWithTimeSeries():
            # Perform the mapping between the new outputs and the downstream derivations
            connectionMap = self.derivation_client.derivation_client.mapSyncNewOutputsToDownstream(
                outputs.getThisDerivation(), outputs.getNewOutputsAndRdfTypeMap())
            # construct and fire SPARQL update given DerivationOutputs objects, if normal
            # derivation NOTE this makes sure that the new generated instances/triples will
            # ONLY be written to knowledge graph if the target derivation is till outdated
            # at the point of executing SPARQL update, i.e. this solves concurrent request
            # issue as detailed in
            triplesChangedForSure = self.derivation_client.derivation_client.reconnectSyncDerivation(
                outputs.getThisDerivation(), connectionMap,
                outputs.getOutputTriples(), outputs.getRetrievedInputsAt()

            # for normal Derivation, we need to return both timestamp and the new derived
            if triplesChangedForSure:
                # if we know the triples are changed for sure, we return the triples
                # computed by this agent
                res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationOutputs.RETRIEVED_INPUTS_TIMESTAMP_KEY] = outputs.getRetrievedInputsAt()
                res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_OUTPUT_KEY] = json.loads(str(outputs.getNewEntitiesJsonMap()))
                res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_OUTPUT_CONNECTION_KEY] = json.loads(str(
      "Derivation update is done in the knowledge graph, returned response: " + str(res))
                # if we are not certain, query the knowledge graph to get the accurate
                # information
                updated = self.derivation_client.derivation_client.getDerivation(derivationIRI)
                res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationOutputs.RETRIEVED_INPUTS_TIMESTAMP_KEY] = updated.getTimestamp()
                res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_OUTPUT_KEY] = json.loads(str(updated.getBelongsToMap()))
                res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_OUTPUT_CONNECTION_KEY] = json.loads(str(updated.getDownstreamDerivationConnectionMap()))
      "Unable to determine if the SPARQL update mutated triples, returned latest information in knowledge graph: "
                                 + str(res))
            # for DerivationWithTimeSeries, we just need to return retrievedInputsAt
            res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationOutputs.RETRIEVED_INPUTS_TIMESTAMP_KEY] = outputs.getRetrievedInputsAt()
                "DerivationWithTimeSeries update is done, returned response: " + str(res))
        res[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_OUTPUT_KEY] = self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationAgent.EMPTY_REQUEST_MSG

    return json.dumps(res)

validate_inputs abstractmethod

validate_inputs(http_request) -> bool

Validates the HTTP request sent to the agent for processing synchronous derivations. Developer can overwrite this function for customised validation.


Name Type Description Default

The HTTP request received



Type Description

HTTP request is empty


IRI for derivation is not provided in the HTTP request


IRI for agent is not provided in the HTTP request


IRI for old derivation outputs are not provided in the HTTP request


IRI for downstream derivations are not provided in the HTTP request


Name Type Description
bool bool

Whether the HTTP request is valid

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def validate_inputs(self, http_request) -> bool:
    Validates the HTTP request sent to the agent for processing synchronous derivations.
    Developer can overwrite this function for customised validation.

        http_request: The HTTP request received

        Exception: HTTP request is empty
        Exception: IRI for derivation is not provided in the HTTP request
        Exception: IRI for agent is not provided in the HTTP request
        Exception: IRI for old derivation outputs are not provided in the HTTP request
        Exception: IRI for downstream derivations are not provided in the HTTP request

        bool: Whether the HTTP request is valid
    """"Validating inputs: " + str(http_request))
    if not bool(http_request):
        self.logger.warn("RequestParams are empty, throwing BadRequestException...")
        raise Exception("RequestParams are empty")

    if self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_INPUT_KEY not in http_request:"Agent <{self.agentIRI}> received an empty request...")
        return False
        if self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.DERIVATION_KEY not in http_request:
            msg = f"Agent <{self.agentIRI}> received a request that doesn't have derivationIRI..."
            raise Exception(msg)
        if http_request[self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.SYNC_NEW_INFO_FLAG]:
            if self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.AGENT_IRI_KEY not in http_request:
                msg = f"Agent <{self.agentIRI}> received a request for sync new information that doesn't have information about agent IRI..."
                raise Exception(msg)
            if self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.BELONGSTO_KEY not in http_request:
                msg = f"Agent <{self.agentIRI}> received a request that doesn't have information about old outputs..."
                raise Exception(msg)
            if self.jpsBaseLib_view.DerivationClient.DOWNSTREAMDERIVATION_KEY not in http_request:
                msg = f"Agent <{self.agentIRI}> received a request that doesn't have information about downstream derivation..."
                raise Exception(msg)

    return True



This method runs the flask app as an HTTP servlet.

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def run_flask_app(self, **kwargs):
    """This method runs the flask app as an HTTP servlet."""**kwargs)


format_current_time() -> str

Formats the current local time as a string.


Name Type Description
str str

The current local time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS TIMEZONE".

Source code in JPS_BASE_LIB/python_wrapper/twa/agent/
def format_current_time() -> str:
    Formats the current local time as a string.

        str: The current local time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS TIMEZONE".
    return str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) + f" {str(time.localtime().tm_zone)}"